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Lovage - Levisticum officinale
Lovage, also known as the maggi plant, is a perennial plant from the umbellifer family (Apiaceae). The name "maggi plant" refers to the strong smell, which is reminiscent of the maggi aroma. However, the herb is not an ingredient in the original Maggi recipe.
Originally from Southeast Asia and Iran, the Romans spread lovage throughout Europe during their conquests. Today, the plant grows in large parts of Europe and North America and occasionally occurs in northern Thailand.
From: €3.50
Rooibos - Aspalathi linearis
Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) is a plant from the legume family (Leguminosae), which grows naturally as fynbos in the Cederberg region of South Africa. Since around 1930, rooibos has been cultivated for the production of a tea-like drink. The leaves of the plant are picked, crushed and then placed in the sun to oxidize. During this process, rooibos gets its characteristic reddish-brown color.
The name 'rooibos' comes from Afrikaans and is derived from the Dutch 'rood bos'.
From: €2.50
Green Tea - Gun Powder - Camellia sinensis
Gunpowder (zhūchá) is a Chinese green tea that gets its name from the grey-green, tightly rolled leaves that are reminiscent of 18th century gunpowder. Another possible explanation is that "freshly brewed" sounds like *gun-pao-da* in Chinese.
When steeped in hot water, the leaves unfold, giving the tea its characteristic grassy and sometimes smoky flavour.
In China, this tea is also known as pearl tea (珠茶). Gunpowder is mainly produced in the Ningbo region and is one of the most popular Chinese export teas. Nowadays, the balls are rolled by machine, except for the higher quality varieties, which are still made by hand.
From: €2.95
Watercress - Nasturtium officinale
The watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, synonym: Nasturtium officinale) is a plant from the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae). This species is very similar to the slender watercress (Rorippa microphylla), but is distinguished by shorter fruits, seeds that lie in two rows in each cell instead of one, and a seed structure with about half as many meshes.
The white watercress grows in and around water, such as along streams, ditches, ponds and in marshes. It is a limp, hairless plant that can reach a height of 10 to 60 cm. The hollow, square, fleshy stem often creeps at the base.
Blessed Thistle - Centaurea benedicta
Centaurea benedicta, commonly known as St. Benedict's Thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle, spotted thistle or dissolved knapweed, is a thistle-like plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. Originally native to the Mediterranean region, it ranges from Portugal and southern France to Iran. Outside its native habitat it is often found as a systematic species and in some regions such as North America it is observed as a conventional weed.
This annual plant grows up to 60 cm tall and has leathery, hairy leaves that can reach 30 cm long and 8 cm wide.
From: €2.25
Sheep's sorrel - Rumex acetosa
Sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosa) is a perennial plant that is part of the knotweed family (Polygonaceae). This versatile plant grows to a height of 10 to 60 cm and spreads via numerous long, underground runners.
The leaves, which reach a length of 3 to 7 cm, have a characteristic spike shape and vary from obovate to narrow linear. From May until deep into autumn, sheep's sorrel adorns itself with plumes that usually have a greenish hue, sometimes with a light red glow. In certain specimens, the plumes can even turn dark red, which provides a striking contrast in the landscape.
From: €2.25
Betony - Wood Betony - Betonica officinalis
Betony (Betonica officinalis, synonym: Stachys officinalis) is a herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the species is on the Red List of plants, where it is classified as very rare and has declined sharply in numbers. In addition to its natural occurrence, betony is also often cultivated as an ornamental plant.
The plant reaches a height of 30–90 cm and blooms from June to August with purple-red flowers, although white varieties sometimes occur. The flowers are in dense, spike-shaped false inflorescences. Most leaves form a basal rosette: the lower leaves have long petioles, while the upper leaves have short petioles. All leaves have a reticulate venation. The stem is unbranched, square in shape and covered with short hairs.
From: €2.50
Salix alba Extract - Willow Extract (Salicin) - 500 mg
Willow extract, derived from the bark of the white willow (Salix alba L.), naturally contains the valuable bioactive substance salicin. This extract is known for its supportive effect on supple muscles and joints.
The white willow (Salix alba L.), a common tree in the Netherlands, was examined in 1828 by the German pharmacist Johann Andreas Buchner. He discovered that the bark of the willow is rich in salicin, a special glycoside: a compound of a sugar with a non-sugar part, which only occurs in plants. Salicin supports joint function and contributes to the maintenance of supple muscles.
Magnesium Bisglycinate - 500 mg
Magnesium bisglycinate is a high-quality form of magnesium, in which magnesium is bound to the amino acid glycine. Thanks to the small molecular structure of glycine, this form of magnesium is exceptionally well absorbed by the body, which ensures optimal biological availability. Magnesium bisglycinate not only supports the nervous system, but also contributes to healthy muscles and a balanced mental state. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to promote their physical and mental well-being.
This easily absorbable form of magnesium is the ideal choice to take in the evening before going to sleep because it is bound to glycine. Glycine contributes to a better quality of sleep. Magnesium malate is the best choice to start the day with. 
Mucuna pruriens Extract - Velvet Bean Extract - 400 mg
Mucuna pruriens, also known as the velvet bean, has been an essential part of traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India for thousands of years. This special plant not only supports the nervous system and helps maintain emotional balance, but is also a natural aid for both men and women for libido. In addition, Mucuna pruriens contributes to a healthy menstrual cycle and supports normal testosterone levels. With its powerful antioxidants, it also strengthens the immune system.
The Mucuna pruriens capsules are completely plant-based and therefore suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Discover the ancient Ayurvedic secrets and experience the powerful benefits of this unique bean for yourself!
Skullcap - 300 mg
Skullcap (Scutellaria) is a versatile genus of both annual and perennial plants, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The genus includes about two hundred species, all of which are characterized by their characteristic, calyx-shaped flowers. These flowers are distinguished by clearly visible upper and lower lips. The name "Scutellaria" is derived from the Latin word "scutella", which means "small shield" or "saucer", and refers to the shape of the calyx.
Boron - 3 mg
Boron, also known as boron, is an important trace element that works closely with calcium and magnesium to promote bone health. Especially men over forty, active athletes and seniors like to use a boron supplement to support their health.
Boron is naturally found in various foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Specific sources such as potatoes, carrots and parsnips contain significant amounts of boron. Dates, prunes, raisins, honey, peanuts, beer and wine also make a significant contribution to boron intake. However, due to the increase in processed and refined foods in Western diets, the intake of trace elements such as boron can fall short.
Spearmint - Mentha spicata
Spearmint, also known as green mint (Mentha spicata), is an aromatic perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family. This plant originally comes from Central and Southern Europe, where it regularly establishes itself as a feral plant. Peppermint (Mentha ×piperata), a commonly used variety in food and care products, originated from a cross between spearmint and water mint (Mentha aquatica).
The leaves of spearmint contain a wealth of essential oils, with carvone being the most important. This component is also found in caraway, which gives the mint its characteristic scent. However, the leaves contain little menthol, which makes the taste milder than that of peppermint.
From: €2.00
Pau D'arco - Tabeuiae - (Cut)
Pau d'arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) is an imposing tree that thrives in the Amazon rainforest. The bark of the pau d'arco has been used for centuries in traditional herbal medicine for its diverse uses, including its supportive effects on the immune system.
The inner layer of the bark of Tabebuia avellanedae is packed with flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that protect our bodies against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it contains a significant amount of quinones. More than 20 quinone compounds have already been discovered in the bark of the pau d'arco, such as lapachol and beta-lapachone. In addition, the bark contains substances that help defend against unfavorable bacteria and fungi.
From: €2.50
Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew, also known as Tanacetum parthenium or "feverfew," is a valuable herb that has been valued in traditional medicine for centuries. This aromatic perennial plant, native to southwestern Europe, has a rich history of supporting women's health, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth. Historically, feverfew was used to induce labor and treat puerperal fever, which explains the origin of its name.
The plant is also known for its antipyretic properties and is still grown in herb gardens for this purpose. One of the most notable uses of feverfew is in the treatment of migraines.
From: €2.95
Horny Goat Herb - Yin Yang Huo - Epimedium brevicornum
Epimedium, commonly known as elf flower, is a genus of about 25 species of perennial plants belonging to the barberry family (Berberidaceae). These enchanting plants are native to southern Europe and parts of Asia, including central, southern and eastern Asia.
Interestingly, many species of Epimedium are said to have aphrodisiac properties. According to an ancient Chinese legend, this remarkable effect was discovered by a goat herder, who noticed that his animals became noticeably more active after eating these plants. This led to the plant being given the name 'yin yang huo' in China, which literally translates as 'Horny Goat Herb'.
From: €9.95
Moringa Tree - Moringa oleifera - (Leaf Cut)
Moringa oleifera, also known as the 'tree of life', thrives in Africa and Asia and is known for its rich nutritional value. The tree is a treasure trove of over dozens of nutrients, including as many as 47 antioxidants. With minerals, proteins, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenols in abundance, the leaves of the moringa are the true storehouse of nutritional value.
For centuries, Asian and African cultures have recognized the benefits of moringa oleifera. The tree has become an integral part of their daily diets due to its versatile uses and nutritional value. Due to its abundant benefits, moringa oleifera is often affectionately called 'the tree of life'.
From: €2.95
Birch - Betula pendula Roth, Betulae (Leaf Cut)
The Birch (Betula) has been valued for centuries for its beneficial properties, thanks to the presence of bioactive substances. In the past, it was even considered a sacred tree. In the spring, just before the tree starts to leaf out, birch sap is tapped because the sap flow is strongest then. This sap is full of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. The young leaves are then collected, because they also contain a high content of various beneficial substances during this period.
Birch leaf is rich in flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The saponins and tannins are responsible for the diuretic properties of the birch.
From: €2.10
American Skullcap - Scutellaria lateriflora
Skullcap (Scutellaria) is a versatile genus of both annual and perennial plants, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The genus includes about two hundred species, all of which are characterized by their characteristic, calyx-shaped flowers. These flowers are distinguished by clearly visible upper and lower lips. The name "Scutellaria" is derived from the Latin word "scutella", which means "small shield" or "saucer", and refers to the shape of the calyx.
From: €6.25