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Arnica Tincture - Arnica montana Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried flower of Arnica montana (Arnica).
Arnica, also known as wolverlei (Arnica montana), is a perennial plant belonging to the composite family (Asteraceae). This plant naturally occurs in the Alps, Pyrenees, the Balkans and southern Scandinavia. You can also find it in the east of the Netherlands and in the Belgian Ardennes.
The plant grows to a height of 20-45 cm with a sparsely branched stem. Its leaves are opposite each other and are 2-4 cm wide. The lower leaves have an elliptical to obovate-lanceolate shape, while the upper pair of leaves are linear-lanceolate.
Artichoke Tincture - Cynaria scolmycus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaf of Cynaria scolmycus (Artichoke).
The artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a plant that originates from the Mediterranean region. People eat the closed green or purple flower buds as vegetables. The artichoke leaf has a slightly bitter taste. This plant has been consumed for centuries for the support it provides to digestion and the cleansing effect of the liver, thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants.
The artichoke is rich in various nutrients and phytonutrients. It contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains flavonoids, enzymes and tannins.
Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) Tincture - Withania somnifera Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha/Winter Cherry).
In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is known as a 'rasayana', meaning it is used to support both physical and mental health. It has a calming effect and is used to sleep better and promote a balanced mind. In India, where this herb originates, it is believed to support male potency and female health, often compared to the strength and vitality of a horse.
Asiatic Pennywort Tincture - Centella asiatica (Hydrocotyles) Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Centella asiatica (Hydrocotyles) (Asiatic Pennywort) (Gotu kola).
Asian pennywort also known as Gotu kola(Centella asiatica), is a plant that thrives in Southeast Asia and plays a central role in Ayurvedic medicine. Due to its diverse active substances, Asian pennywort is widely used in herbal medicine. It is known for supporting cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and learning, and it is also used to promote healthy blood circulation and vascular function.
Astragalus Tincture - Astragalus membranaceus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Astragalus).
Astragalus, also known as Fleshy Locust (Astragalus membranaceus), is a plant native to Asia. It has been used for 2000 years in traditional Chinese herbal medicine to strengthen the immune system. In addition to this property, astragalus has many other benefits. According to Chinese tradition, it strengthens the life force, or 'qi', as it is called in China, when ingested. It is known as a powerful antioxidant and is especially valued for its ability to support the immune system.
Boldo Tincture - Peumus boldus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaf of Peumus boldus (Boldo).
Boldo (Peumus Boldus) is a versatile plant with a long history of positive effects on the liver, bile and digestion. It contains a combination of alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins, which together provide these beneficial properties. By supporting the liver and bile and promoting healthy digestion, boldo is a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, boldo strengthens the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant.
California Poppy Tincture - Eschscholtzia californica Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Eschscholtzia californica (California Poppy).
California Poppy, also known as golden poppy (Eschscholtzia californica), is a plant with golden yellow flowers that belongs to the poppy family. It owes this name to its soothing properties, which help with natural, healthy sleep and stress reduction.
This plant is native to California, hence the name. The indigenous people of America traditionally used golden poppy as a sedative herb and to help them sleep better. The aerial parts of the golden poppy contain several active substances, including quinolide alkaloids, rutin, phytosterols, carotenoids and cyanogen glycosides.
Cat's Claw Tincture - Uncaria tomentosa Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried bark of Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw).
Although the West has only recently discovered the benefits of this herb, many cultures native to the Amazon rainforest have been using cat's claw for centuries. It is known for its ability to keep joints flexible and to support the human body's immune system. The active ingredients of cat's claw are alkaloids, tannins and various other phytochemicals. Research has shown that some of these alkaloids can support the immune system.
Cat's whiskers Tincture - Orthosiphon aristatus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Orthosiphon aristatus (Cat's whiskers).
Cat's whisker (Orthosiphon aristatus), also known as Kumis Kutjing, has played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its beneficial properties in treating urinary tract infections.
This plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and thrives mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, preferring locations such as wetlands, along rivers and swamps, especially in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia and Java. The name "cat's whisker" is derived from the white or lilac flowers with striking, thread-like stamens, sometimes up to 3 cm long.
Chamomile Tincture - Matricaria recutita Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried flower of Matricaria recutita (True Chamomile).
True chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Matricaria recutita, is native throughout Europe and widely cultivated in countries such as Hungary and Eastern Europe. The ancient Egyptians revered chamomile as the flower of the sun god Ra. The herb is known for its supportive effect on the immune system, soothing effect on the respiratory tract and promoting digestion. Additionally, chamomile is often used as a natural sedative and to promote restful sleep.
Clove Tincture - Syzygium aromaticum Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried flower of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove).
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is the dried, fragrant flower bud of the clove tree. The main active ingredient is eugenol, which also promotes the antioxidant properties of cloves. Clove is known for its antioxidant effect and supports healthy digestion. In addition, it improves blood circulation and soothes the throat.
Comfrey Tincture - Symphytum officinalis Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Symphytum officinalis (Comfrey).
The common comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is common in the Netherlands and Belgium. Comfrey belongs to the rough-leaved family (Boraginaceae). It is a genus of plants consisting mainly of perennial herbs, not shrubs or trees. The calyx of the flower is cut by a quarter or completely, while the leaves are elongated to lanceolate and scattered.
Comfrey is traditionally used for ointments, wraps and compresses that help with broken bones, sprains and bruises.
Dandelion Tincture - Taraxum officinale Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb & root of Taraxum officinale (Dandelion).
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been known for centuries for its ability to support liver and gallbladder function. Both the root and the above-ground parts of the plant are rich in nutrients. In addition, dandelion has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The rich nutritional value of dandelions makes it advisable to regularly pick some fresh leaves in the wild and add them to salads. They are especially tasty in the spring. The fresh yellow flowers can be used as a cheerful decoration in salads and dried they can be processed into a 'wild' herbal tea.
Elderberry Tincture - Sambucus nigra Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried blossom herb of Sambucus nigra (elderberry).
The elder (Sambucus nigra L.) is a native tree/shrub in the Netherlands that is widespread in various places in our country. Towards the end of May the elder tree blooms and produces large umbels of small, creamy white flowers that give off a sweet, floral scent. These blossoms are used to make elderflower liqueur, syrup or pancakes. In addition to their delicious taste, the blossoms are also rich in substances, including up to 3% flavonoids such as rutin, quercetin and astragalin. In addition, they contain tannins (tannins), triterpenes, fatty acids and essential oil.
Eucalyptus Tincture - Eucalypti globulus Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaf of Eucalypti globulus (Eucalyptus).
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) belongs to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) and is native to Australia and neighboring areas. Some specimens were brought to Europe by Joseph Banks during Captain Cook's expedition.
In Europe, eucalyptus is mainly planted in the Mediterranean region, although it can also thrive on the west coast of England and Scotland, although only some species can withstand winter.
Eyebright Tincture - Euphrasia officinalis Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright).
The Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) belongs to the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae) and mainly thrives in France, with the exception of the Mediterranean region. This plant can also be found in other parts of Europe, such as Germany, Austria and Scotland.
Traditionally, Eyebright was used to treat eye infections, but also for headaches and stomach complaints.
The Eyebright is an annual plant that usually grows between 10 and 25 cm high and is covered with numerous long glandular hairs. From May to September the plant blooms with white flowers that often have a light purple upper lip and a yellow spot on the lower lip.
Gentian Large Yellow Tincture - Gentiana lutea Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Gentiana lutea (Gentian Large Yellow).
The large yellow gentian, also known as Gentiana lutea, is a perennial plant belonging to the gentian family (Gentianaceae). This plant naturally occurs in European mountains, mainly at altitudes up to 2200 meters.
In ancient times, yellow gentian was used as a medicine against various ailments, including fever, gout, hypochondria, malaria, intestinal parasites and even alcoholism. Today the plant is mainly used for its bitter properties, such as stimulating the appetite, and as an ingredient in liqueurs, such as gentian liqueur.
Geranium Tincture - Pelargonium sidoides Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Pelargonium sidoides (Cape geranium).
The Cape geranium, also known as Pelargonium sidoides, is a South African geranium species that has been part of indigenous herbal lore for centuries. The locals call it 'umckaloabo'. This plant thrives in the wild among tall grass and aromatic flower beds on the slopes of the Cape coast. It has soft, velvety gray-green leaves and deep magenta-colored flowers. The dried and ground rhizomes are dark red in color. They have a soothing effect on the airways and are therefore suitable for providing support for airway problems.
Ginger Tincture - Zingiber officinalis Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried root of Zingiber officinalis (Ginger).
Ginger comes from the root of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) and is used as a spice in many countries because of its strong flavor. It contains various bioactive substances, including gingerol, shogaol and zingiberene. Ginger supports the immune system, promotes healthy digestion and has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, ginger can promote well-being during vehicle travel.
Ginko (Maidenhair tree) Tincture - Ginkgo bilobae Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaves of Ginkgo bilobae (Ginko - Maidenhair tree).
Maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba), also known as the Japanese Temple Tree, has been used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for centuries. Ginkgo biloba is used to improve blood circulation, promote concentration and support memory. The main components of ginkgo biloba are (bio)flavonoids (flavonglycosides), bilobalides and ginkgolides (terpene lactones).
It is a unique deciduous tree that is considered a species with no direct family ties. Charles Darwin called the ginkgo biloba a 'living fossil' because it has been around for about two hundred and fifty million years. Ginkgo originally comes from China.
Goldenrod Tincture - Solidago virgaurea Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Solidago virgaurea (Goldenrod).
Solidago virgaurea, also known as Goldenrod or Goldenrod, is a native plant that traditionally grows in Europe and Asia. In earlier times, this golden yellow flower was a permanent part of the Dutch herb garden. The yellow flowers were traditionally dried on a large scale and ground into a base for paint.
Solidago supports the kidneys and their function. It can be used for discomfort prior to menstruation and menopausal symptoms. In addition, solidago helps keep the joints flexible, strengthens resistance and contributes to good mental balance.
Hawthorn Tincture - Crataegus oxyacantha Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried leaves & flowers of Crataegus (Hawthorn).
The hawthorn (Crataegus) is a natural source of beneficial substances. The flowers, leaves and to a lesser extent the berries of the hawthorn contain a rich variety of components, including flavonoids, procyanidins, vitamin C, tannins, glycosides and antioxidants. These substances have beneficial effects on the heart and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Hawthorn is known for its calming properties and supports natural, deep sleep.
Heartwort Tincture - Leonurus cardiaca Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried herb of Leonurus cardiaca (Heartwort).
Heartwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a fragrant perennial plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Originating in Central Asia, this plant has spread throughout the world.
The leaves are suitable for seasoning pea and lentil soup, and were also used in the past to brew beer. This plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties for heart problems and muscle cramps.
The plant grows to a height of 30-90 cm and forms rhizomes and square stems with scattered hairs. The leaves, which are medium green in color, have three to seven lobes and are downy hairy on the underside.
Hibiscus Tincture - Hibiscus sabdariffa Tincture
Single herbal tincture made with dried flower of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Hibiscus).
The Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is traditionally used in hot and cold drinks, as a flavoring and coloring agent in the food industry, and as a herbal remedy for its ability to reduce fatigue and promote cardiovascular health.