- Health Goals
- Lose weight
- Allergy
- Movement
- Bladder
- Blood circulation
- Blood sugar
- Blood vessels
- Book
- Cholesterol
- Concentration
- Detox
- Energy
- Enzymes
- Memory
- Joints
- Hair
- Heart
- Hormones
- Skin
- Immune system
- Liver
- Libido
- Airways
- Stomach
- Menstruation
- Microbiome
- Night rest
- Nails
- Dejected
- Neurotransmitters
- Kidneys
- Eyes
- Detoxify
- Relaxation
- Deacidification
- Prostate
- Muscles
- Digestion
- Mood
- Metabolism
- Stress
- Urinary tract
- Fatigue
- Resistance
- Pregnancy
- Supplements
- Amino acids
- Adaptogens
- Antioxidants
- Capsule
- Enzymes
- Flavonoids
- Phytonutrients
- Minerals
- Multi-supplements
- Other nutrients
- Herbal Supplements & Others
- American marigold
- Artichoke
- Ashwagandha
- Astragalus
- Asiatic Pennywort
- Old Man's Beard
- Bacopa monnieri
- Boldo
- Nettle
- Chlorella
- Cordyceps
- Cranberry
- Curcuma
- Yarrow
- Echinacea
- Chamomile
- Eleutherococcus
- Eucalyptus
- Ginger
- Gentian Large Yellow
- Ginseng
- Marigold
- Grapeseed
- Pine
- Motherwort
- Horsetail
- Hibiscus
- Hop
- Ginko
- Juniper
- Geranium
- Mallow Large
- Cat claw
- Kelp
- Koemis Koetjing
- Clove
- Lavender
- Linden
- Lungwort
- Maca
- Maitake
- Mistletoe
- Milk thistle
- Hawthorn
- Monk's Pepper
- Moringa
- Eyebright
- Meadowsweet
- Oregano
- Dandelion
- Passion Flower
- Pau D'arco
- Schisandra
- Peppermint
- Propolis
- Reishi
- Rhodiola
- Rosemary
- Rosehip
- Sage
- Shiitake
- California Poppy
- Comfrey
- Solidago
- Spirulina
- St. John's Wort
- Thyme
- Witch Hazel
- Valerian
- Arnica
- Elderberry
- Lady's Mantle
- Plantain Narrow
- Liquorice
- Black pepper
- Powder
- Polyphenols
- Fibres
- Liquid
- Vitamins
- Amino acids
- Archelon Nutraceuticals
- HerbaFlorente
- ILHWA Ginseng
P, Q, R, S, T
Willow - Salicis alba
The willow (Salix alba), also known as 'white willow' in English, naturally contains the bioactive substance salicin. This tree is common in the Netherlands. In 1828, the German pharmacist Johann Andreas Buchner discovered that the bark of the willow tree contains high concentrations of the glycoside salicin. This substance is beneficial for maintaining flexible joints and muscle health.
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